Allygroup joins WOAG Labour Hire Panel

Allygroup is excited to announce that we have been successful in being added to the Department of Finance Whole of Australian Government People Panel Phase 2 Labour Hire Services (SON 3965020).

The new panel commenced on 7 August 2023 and expires on 30 June 2027 with options to extend.

Under the Labour Hire Panel, Allygroup can now support you in providing labour hire staff for a variety of government positions, including:

Corporate Services

  • Accounting and Finance

  • Administration

  • Communications and Marketing

  • Human Resources

Policy and Program

  • Service Delivery

  • Portfolio, Program and Project Management

  • Policy

Compliance and Legal

  • Compliance and Regulation

  • Legal and Parliamentary

  • Monitoring and Audit

Introduction and Placement Services

Allygroup is excited to commence this new journey with our current clients and with the new clients we will meet as a result of being on the Phase 2 Labour Hire Services Panel.

Need assistance in sourcing labour hire staff contact Allygroup at

We look forward to working with you.

Allygroup joins the Department of Finance People Panel

Allygroup is pleased to announce that we have been successful in joining the Department of Finance’s new Whole of Australian Government (WoAG) People Panel. We look forward to connecting the best available candidates to the more government clients through the panel’s Recruitment and Search Services.

 We would like to give a special thank to our wonderful clients in government who have advocated for our inclusion so strongly.

 Feel free to get in touch with our resourcing team at any time to discuss how the Allygroup team can support you through the People Panel.

"We'll have a chat at the end" - a $20B black hole

We lawyers detest talking about our fees with our clients, yet analysis suggests this is leaving a $20B black hole in the revenue of BigLaw firms.

Richard Burcher’s firm, Validatum, has worked with over 300 law firms in 18 countries and if there is one common denominator he observes, it is a shared perspective that the price conversation is the most unpalatable and stressful aspect of the lawyer/client relationship.

Disruption Creates Opportunity

 “The future of legal service will be a world of virtual courts, Internet-based global legal businesses, online document production, commoditized service, legal process outsourcing, and web-based simulated practice. Legal markets will be liberalized, with new jobs, and new employers, for lawyers.”