Allygroup is part of the following Commonwealth Government panels:
LEGAL SERVICES PANEL (Attorney-General’s Department)
Area of Law - Legal Support Services
Practice Area - Legal Support Services
Under this panel Allygroup can provide the following legal staff:
Paralegals / Admin Staff
Graduate Lawyers
Lawyers <2 years PAE
Lawyers >2 years PAE
Senior Associates
Special Counsel
LABOUR HIRE SERVICES (Department of Finance People Panel Phase 2 - SON3965020)
Service Category - Corporate Services
Accounting and Finance
Communications and Marketing
Human Resources
Service Category - Policy and Program
Service Delivery
Portfolio, Program and Project Management
Service Category - Compliance and Legal
Compliance and Regulation
Legal and Parliamentary
Monitoring and Audit
Service Category - Introduction and Placement Services
RECRUITMENT AND SEARCH SERVICES (Department of Finance People Panel Phase 1 - SON3897769)
Service Category - General Recruitment Services
Recruitment of ongoing and non-ongoing (including casual) types of personnel:
APS1 to EL2 or entity equivalent
Including entry level programs e.g. interns, school leavers, graduate and trainees (or entity equivalent programs.
Service Category - Executive Recruitment Services
Recruitment of ongoing and non-ongoing (including casual) types of personnel:
SES Band 1 to SES Band 3, or entity equivalent
Statutory appointments
Service Category - Candidate Sourcing Services
Identification and sourcing of highly-skilled candidates for an advertised vacancy (at any level).
Corporate Management Advisory Services
Service Category - Organisational Planning and Development
Service Sub-category - Business Strategy and Improvement