Although a small business, we take our commitment to our Corporate Social Responsibility seriously. We ensure that we have a continued impact through the following avenues:
We directly support a variety of charities that are close to us and important to those in our team and network. Recent examples of this support include:
Allygroup directly contributed to the Byron Bay Community Centre in April 2020 to support the centre's food pantry. This donation of $30,000 aided the pantry in its vital assistance of families and individuals experiencing hardship, made especially salient with the economic impact of Covid-19.
In December 2020 Allygroup donated to Menslink, a charity which has provided ongoing assistance to the family of a person in our tight knit network. By donating the equivalent of 10 counselling sessions, Allygroup supported Menslink to continue its crucial work supporting young men in Canberra through difficult times.
Allygroup are proud to continue to work to support local charities making a difference in the lives of members of our community.
Allygroup’s Chairman, Bruce Clarke, utilises his experience and expertise to contribute to his local Byron Bay community as a board member of the Byron Bay Community Centre. Bruce assists in the administration of the Community centre’s multi-million-dollar business, and aids in the raising of this income through a variety of ventures including theatre and community markets. These funds are then used to support the centre’s charitable endeavours, which focus on supporting the local homeless community through their food pantry and accommodation solutions.
Bruce also applies his extensive business experience to his pro bono role as the Chairman of the Montessori Children’s Foundation. The fund, which oversees the application of Masterman Montessori Indigenous Children’s Trust monies plays a vital role in the betterment of Indigenous and remote communities through a focus on empowering Indigenous youth through education. Currently the trust is focusing on training and educating teachers in Cape York and the Torres Strait in order to bring tailored education systems to these remote communities.
Supported by Allygroup, Bruce is passionately engaged in this work because he recognises the importance of supporting Indigenous youth. Rather than applying an educational system to them that does not fit their needs, he sees it as the duty of Australian businesses and professionals to aid in providing an education that recognises the importance of, and is able to deeply integrate Indigenous history and culture.
Allygroup is working with the community to facilitate the discussion of sometimes difficult, and often neglected, topics vital in the workplace and professional life. We use our Musings seminar series as a platform to discuss and improve these crucial soft skills. Musings topics have thus far included:
- mental health
- wellness
- leadership
- negotiation skills
- harassment and discrimination
- conversational intelligence
We look to bring more of these inspiring sessions to our program in 2021.
A list of our upcoming Musings seminars can be found here.
Although our office space is small, we engage in sustainable practices everyday with an eye to the future. We recycle, we car pool to meetings, we consciously think before we print and we donate items that our office no longer needs. We are also working towards engaging in a process to measure and begin to limit and offset our carbon expenditure with the aim of operating a carbon neutral business by the end of this financial year.