Legal Project Management Training
At Allygroup, we offer legal project management training for businesses, government agencies and law firms.
Our introductory workshops and courses have been designed by lawyers specifically for large-scale litigation and major transactions. They are intended to equip legal practitioners with the tools needed to manage litigation and transactions so that they achieve the desired outcomes cost-effectively.
Why legal project management training is vital for practitioners
Whether you work in private practice or in-house, the days when you could just sit behind a desk and draft documents or brief counsel are over.
The market has changed. Clients today have higher expectations and are more discerning when purchasing legal services. Law firms are no longer calling the shots.
If you work in a law firm or a government agency, you are expected not only to be a highly skilled legal technician but also to understand the principles of legal project management.
If you work in-house, you are expected to manage your external legal service providers so that they achieve the desired outcomes cost-effectively.
Unfortunately, these management skills are not taught in law school. Yet, they are vital for your career, because they are now part of the job description of any lawyer.
How can we help?
Using the unique legal project management methodology developed by the lawyers at Allygroup specifically for large-scale litigation or major transactions, we can train you to:
Define the objectives of a project
Determine the risks associated with the project
Develop a strategy to meet those objectives and minimise the risks
Manage stakeholder expectations
Manage costs
Allocate resources appropriately.
You will learn how to achieve greater certainty in the following areas:
Time frames
In addition, you will learn how to run a matter in a way that achieves a greater chance of alternative dispute resolution.
How do we run our legal project management training?
Our half-day training workshops are designed to introduce small groups to the basic methodology behind legal practice management. This includes:
Developing the right mindsight (or analytical tools) in order to identify the most appropriate strategy for running the matter or transaction
Building the appropriate skillset (or procedural framework through which the litigation or major transaction will be coordinated) so that you can apply the principles of legal project management to litigation or a major transaction
Determining the correct methodology (or setting up the tools/templates through which each individual task in the project will be managed)
Assigning responsibility for undertaking and completing each task to the most appropriate person.
The course covers the following topics:
What is legal project management?
What are the organisational challenges faced by legal practitioners running large litigations and transactions?
How to scope a project accurately
How to resource a project appropriately
How to budget a project and keep legal costs under control
How to monitor projects
How to measure the success of a project
How to apply the lessons learned to future projects.
The workshop includes practical exercises based around scoping a specific matter that is tailored to your business, organisation or firm. Alternatively, we can use an internal project identified by you.
Training materials and templates are provided for attendees to keep. We can also provide you with more advanced training and ongoing support if required.
If you would like to find out more about our legal project management training, please call us on +61 2 5104 3170, or email us on